Background and Objective: Axillary web syndrome (AWS)is a complication that can arise in patients following axillary dissection.It is considered as taut, stretched band underneath the skin, functional deficits and pain may be associated with AWS development so the aim of this study was to detect the effect of direct myofascial release, kinesio tape (KT) and combination between them on axillary web syndrome.Materials and Methods: Sixty female patients after 3 months post axillary dissection, their age between 40-50 years old, were defined as having AWS (palpable or visible) cord in the axilla.The study was conducted from November, 2015-April, 2017.The subjects recruited and underwent physical exam at Oncology Clinic in Medical Research Institute, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt and the patients received the physical therapy in outpatient Clinic of Physical Therapy Faculty, Pharos University, Alexandria, Egypt.The patients were randomly divided into three groups (A, B, C).Each group consisted of 20 patients.Group (A) received a direct myofascial release and kinesio tape, group (B) received direct myofascial release, group (C) received kinesio tape, all three groups received their treatment for 4 weeks and 2 sessions per week, all patients were assessed pre and post treatment for these variables: Visual analog scale (VAS) for the pain and ultrasound for assessed (the thickness of the cord and cord disorganization).Results: Statistical analysis revealed that there was a significant improvement in each groups in VAS scores, thickness of the cord and cord disorganization for all groups pre and post values but group (A) which was combination of kinesio tape and myofascial release had a superior effect on disorganization, compared to the other groups.There was no significant improvement in the VAS scores and thickness of the cord between groups except the cord disorganization variable which is significant (p<0.05).Conclusion: Group (A) had a superior effect in axillary web syndrome treatment when compared to the other groups.