Zn3Sb4O6F6 has been synthesized hydrothermally at 230 °C. The crystal structure was determined from single crystal X-ray diffraction data. It crystallizes in the cubic non-centrosymmetric space group I-43m with the unit cell parameter a = 8.1291(4) Å and is isostructural with M3Sb4O6F6 (M = Co, Ni). The new compound is the first oxofluoride containing Zn2+ and a p-element cation with a stereochemically active lone pair. The crystal structure is made up by [ZnO2F4] octahedra forming a network via corner sharing at F-atoms and [SbO3] trigonal pyramids that form [Sb4O6] cages that connect via the O-atoms to the Zn-atoms. Powder second-harmonic generation (SHG) measurements using 1064 nm radiation on Zn3Sb4O6F6 indicate an SHG intensity of approximately 40 × α-SiO2.