A 22 year old man was diagnosed as having Jervell and Lange-Nielsen syndrome (JLNS), which includes a prolonged QTc, congenital neural deafness, and syncopal attacks or sudden death. In spite of medication with beta blocker, syncopal attack increased in frequency since his sister suddenly had died of JLNS. Because left stellate ganglion block improved the QTc dispersion, left cardiac sympathectomy was scheduled under the video-assisted thoracic surgery. After the premedication with midazolam, anesthesia was induced with thiamylal, and maintained with nitrous oxide, sevoflurane, and fentanyl. Serious arrhythmias were not observed throughout the perioperative period. Sympathetic trunk was successfully resected from the top of 1st ganglion to the bottom of 4th ganglion of left thoracic sympathetic trunk. Horner's sign did not appear after the surgery. Although the shortening of QTc was not significant, QTc dispersion during exercise was improved, and syncopal attack was not observed until 6 months after the surgery.