Nickel tungstate is an interesting semiconductor for application in solar cell owing to its low band gap 1 , high mechanical stability and abundant oxygen sites (4 oxygen/Ni-W) for dye molecule absorption. Nanoparticle nickel tungstate has been synthesized with different methods including solid state 2 , direct mechanical rout 3 and standard ceramic rout 4 . In current study nickel tungstate has been synthesized with different particle size distribution using co-precipitation 5 method (N1) and in microemulsion medium in presence of cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) as surfactant (N2). Synthesized samples were examined using XRD, TEM and DRS methods. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy method in combination with mott-schottky theory has been applied for determination of electronic specification of all samples. Furthermore, light transformation efficiency of samples for application in solar cell has been studied using gratzel two-electrode cell. Figure 1