In the present study, carbon black activated by CO2 gas was examined through XRD analysis, especially with regard to changes in its structural parameters. Based on the results, its activation process was thoroughly analyzed. The activation process was controlled by isothermally activating the carbon black inside a reaction tube through which CO2 gas flowed. With this approach, the degree of activation was varied as desired. At an early stage of the activation process, the amorphous fraction on the carbon black surface was preferentially activated, and later the less-developed crystalline carbon (LDCC) region inside the carbon black particles started to be activated. The latter process was attributable to the formation of pores inside the carbon black particles. As the activation process proceeded further, the more-developed crystalline carbon (MDCC) region started to be activated, thereby causing the pores inside the carbon black particles to grow larger. At the last stage of the activation process, La was found to be decreased to about 40 Å. This implied that the edges of the graphite crystals had been activated, thus causing the internal pores to grow and coalesce into larger pores. Activated conductive Super-P with enhanced pore properties is expected to have wide applications.