Engineering improved Rubisco for the enhancement of photosynthesis is challenged by the alternate locations of the chloroplast rbcL gene and nuclear RbcS genes. Here we develop an RNAi-RbcS tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) master-line, tobRrΔS, for producing homogenous plant Rubisco by rbcL-rbcS operon chloroplast transformation. Four genotypes encoding alternative rbcS genes and adjoining 5′-intergenic sequences revealed that Rubisco production was highest (50% of the wild type) in the lines incorporating a rbcS gene whose codon use and 5′ untranslated-region matched rbcL. Additional tobacco genotypes produced here incorporated differing potato (Solanum tuberosum) rbcL-rbcS operons that either encoded one of three mesophyll small subunits (pS1, pS2, and pS3) or the potato trichome pST-subunit. The pS3-subunit caused impairment of potato Rubisco production by ∼15% relative to the lines producing pS1, pS2, or pST. However, the βA-βB loop Asn-55-His and Lys-57-Ser substitutions in the pS3-subunit improved carboxylation rates by 13% and carboxylation efficiency (CE) by 17%, relative to potato Rubisco incorporating pS1 or pS2-subunits. Tobacco photosynthesis and growth were most impaired in lines producing potato Rubisco incorporating the pST-subunit, which reduced CE and CO2/O2 specificity 40% and 15%, respectively. Returning the rbcS gene to the plant plastome provides an effective bioengineering chassis for introduction and evaluation of novel homogeneous Rubisco complexes in a whole plant context.