Skin colour is an important criterion in determining the aesthetic appeal of ornamental fishes, and thus their market worth. Hence the pigment enhancement in ornamental fishes has been the subject of extensive research by using various synthetic as well as natural pigment sources. Dietary composition is one of the most important elements that influence the development of pigmentation in fish. This study is an attempt to assess the possibility of using carotenogenic marine yeast as pigment enhancer in fish diet for Koi carp, Cyprinus carpio. The 60 days feeding experiment was done by using feed incorporated with mangrove associated marine yeast Rhodotorula paludigena VA242. Greater pigmentation in the scales of fishes fed with experimental feed was observed than that fed with the control diet (normal pellet feed). Furthermore the improved growth rate and general wellbeing in fishes fed with experimental feed provides scope for further studies in this field with respect to the growth and survival of fishes.