This study investigated the effects of LJP (Laminaria japonica polysaccharides) on the rheological, gelatinization, and retrogradation properties of WS (wheat starch) gels. Dynamic rheological test showed that the addition of LJP decreased the storage and loss modulus. Furthermore, LJP significantly decreased the peak viscosity, breakdown, and setback value of WS. Moreover, LJP incorporation significantly reduced the WS gel hardness during storage. SEM results showed that the addition of LJP improved the structure of WS gel. The short and long-range ordered structure showed that the relative crystallinity and formation of ordered structure were reduced with the addition of LJP. Otherwise, the LJP inhibited moisture migration, which was demonstrated by LF-NMR. In summary, the addition of LJP could inhibit the retrogradation of WS gel, as well the double helix structure of amylose or amylopectin was decreased, which provides a new theoretical insight for the production of WS-based food study.