Yuanshuo Zhang,Bingquan Xiang,Jiaxin Yan,Xiaohai Wang,Guofeng Li,Gang Chen,Shuanglong Tao,Jiahai Zhang,Hui Chen,Fukun Chen
Yanshanian magmatisms are intensive in the eastern Jiangnan orogen and can be divided into early (150–136 Ma) and late (136–120 Ma) stages. About these granitic rocks, the petrogenesis and associated tectonic setting are still hotly debated. The Taiping–Huangshan complex, a representative granitic rock in this region, is selected to perform geochemical studies. Three lithologic units have been identified in the Taiping–Huangshan complex: granodiorite, monzogranite, and alkali‐feldspar granite with zircon U–Pb dating results of 149–144 Ma, 148 Ma, and 135–131 Ma, respectively, belonging to the early stage for the granodiorite and monzogranite, and late stage for the alkali‐feldspar granite. The granodiorite and monzogranite have similar major and trace element characteristics with intermediate‐acidic SiO 2 contents ranging from 65.9 to 69.7 wt.%, low Mg# values of 35.8–38.4, enriched LREE, Pb, Th, and U contents, and weak Eu anomalies (δ Eu = 0.71–0.79). The alkali‐feldspar granite is characterized by high SiO 2 contents (73.3–76.6 wt.%), low Mg# (2.6–10.0), enriched Th, U, Ta, Pb, and Nd, depleted high‐field‐strength elements, and pronounced negative Eu anomalies (δ Eu = 0.01–0.19). The granodiorite and monzogranite have consistent ε Hf ( t ) (−5.38 to −9.41) and δ 18 O (7.18‰ to 11.00‰) values, while the alkali‐feldspar granite has elevated ε Hf ( t ) values (−0.96 to −6.48) and δ 18 O values (6.27‰ to 8.34‰). Integrated geochemical characteristics and batch partial melting modelling constrain that the early stage granitic rocks derived from ca. 8% batch melting of the Neoproterozoic juvenile crust, and the late‐stage granites derived from a similar crust source with a little contribution from mantle. From early to late stage, the tectonic setting translated from post‐orogenic to anorogenic and the later corresponded to a back‐arc extensional setting as increasing of the slab subducted angle of the Palaeo‐Pacific Plate.