We present high-power single-spatial mode electrically pumped GaSb-based superluminescent diodes (SLDs) operating in the 1.95 to 2.45 μm wavelength range in continuous-wave (CW). MBE grown GaSb-based heterostructures were fabricated into single-angled facet ridge-waveguide devices that demonstrate more than 40 mW CW output power at 2.05 μm, to >5 mW at 2.40 μm at room-temperature. We integrated these SLDs into an external cavity (Littrow configuration) as gain chips and achieved single-mode CW lasing with maximum output powers exceeding 18 mW. An extremely wide tuning range of 120 nm per chip with side-mode-suppression-ratios >25 dB was demonstrated while maintaining optical output power level above 3 mW across the entire tuning range.