Liquid level measurement in lab on a chip (LOC) devices is a challenging task due to the demand for a sensor with ultra-high resolution but miniature in nature. In this Letter, we report a simple, compact in size, yet highly sensitive liquid level sensor based on a hollow core fiber (HCF) structure. The sensor is fabricated by fusion splicing a short section of HCF between two singlemode fibers (SMFs). Sensor samples with different lengths of HCF have been studied; it is found that the sensor with a HCF length of ∼4.73 mm shows the best sensitivity of ∼0.014 dB/μm, corresponding to a liquid level resolution of ∼0.7 μm, which is over five times higher than that of the previous reported fiber optic sensors to date. In addition, experimental results have demonstrated that the proposed sensor shows good repeatability of measurement and a very low cross sensitivity to changes in the refractive index of the surrounding medium.