Zebrafish (Danio rerio) is currently in vogue as a prevalently used experimental model for studies concerning neurobehavioural disorders and associated fields. Since the 1960s, this model has succeeded in breaking most barriers faced in the hunt for an experimental model. From its appearance to its high parity with human beings genetically, this model renders itself as an advantageous experimental lab animal. Neurobehavioural disorders have always posed an arduous task in terms of their detection as well as in determining their exact etiology. They are still, in most cases, diseases of interest for inventing or discovering novel pharmacological interventions. Thus, the need for a harbinger experimental model for studying neurobehaviours is escalating. Ensuring the same model is used for studying several neuro-studies conserves the results from inter-species variations. For this, we need a model that satisfies all the pre-requisite conditions to be made the final choice of model for neurobehavioural studies. This review recapitulates the progress of zebrafish as an experimental model with its most up-to-the-minute advances in the area. Various tests, assays, and responses employed using zebrafish in screening neuroactive drugs have been tabulated effectively. The tools, techniques, protocols, and apparatuses that bolster zebrafish studies are discussed. The probable research that can be done using zebrafish has also been briefly outlined. The various breeding and maintenance methods employed, along with the information on various strains available and most commonly used, are also elaborated upon, supplementing Zebrafish's use in neuroscience.