Serrated polyps (SPs) are precursors to one-third of colorectal cancers (CRCs), with histological subtypes: hyperplastic polyps (HPs), sessile serrated lesions (SSLs) and traditional serrated adenomas (TSAs). The incidence of early-onset CRC before the age of 50 is increasing, with limited understanding of SPs in younger cohorts. Using a large colonoscopy-based cohort, we characterized epidemiologic profiles of SP subtypes, compared to conventional adenomas, with secondary analysis on early-onset polyps. Ninety-four thousand four hundred and twenty-seven patients underwent screening colonoscopies between 2010 and 2018. Demographic, endoscopic and histopathologic characteristics of each polyp subtype were described. High-risk polyps included SSLs ≥10 mm/with dysplasia and conventional adenomas ≥10 mm/with tubulovillous/villous histology/high-grade dysplasia. We examined polyp prevalence with age and compared early- (age < 50) and late-onset polyps (age ≥ 50). Eighteen thousand one hundred and twenty-five patients had SPs (4357 SSLs, 15 415 HPs, 120 TSAs) and 26 699 had conventional adenomas. High-risk SSLs were enriched in the ascending colon (44.1% vs 2.6-35.8% for other locations; P < .003). Early- and late-onset SPs had similar subsite distribution. Early-onset conventional adenomas were more enriched in the distal colon/rectum (51.8% vs 43.4%, P < .001). Multiple conventional adenomas were more represented in late-onset groups (40.8% vs 33.8%, P < .001), with no difference in SSLs. The prevalence of conventional adenomas/high-risk conventional adenomas increased continuously with age, whereas the prevalence of SSLs/high-risk SSLs was stable from age 40 years onwards. A higher proportion of women were diagnosed with early-onset than late-onset SSLs (62.9% vs 57.6%, P = .03). Conventional adenomas, SSLs, early- and late-onset polyps have distinct epidemiology. The findings have implications for improved colonoscopy screening and surveillance and understanding the etiologic heterogeneity of CRC.