Simple clip trapping may not adequately decompress giant paraclinoidal or ophthalmic artery aneurysms for safe permanent clipping.1-10 Full temporary interruption of the local circulation via clipping of the intracranial carotid artery with concomitant suction decompression via an angiocatheter placed in the cervical internal carotid artery as originally described by Batjer et al3 allows the primary surgeon to use both hands to clip the target aneurysm. Detailed understanding of skull base and distal dural ring anatomy is critical for microsurgical clipping of giant paraclinoid and ophthalmic artery aneurysms.2-4 Microsurgical approaches allow for direct decompression of the optic apparatus as opposed to endovascular coiling or flow diversion that may contribute to increased mass effect.11 We describe the case of a 60-year-old woman who presented with left-sided visual loss, a family history of aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage, and a giant unruptured clinoidal-ophthalmic segment aneurysm with both extradural and intradural components.2 The patient underwent an orbitopterional craniotomy, Hakuba "peeling" of the temporal dura propria from the lateral wall of the cavernous sinus, and anterior clinoidectomy (Video 1). The proximal sylvian fissure was split, the distal dural ring was completely dissected, and the optic canal and falciform ligament were opened. The aneurysm was trapped, and retrograde suction decompression via the "Dallas Technique" was employed for safe clip reconstruction of the aneurysm.3,4 Postoperative imaging showed complete obliteration of the aneurysm, and the patient remained at her neurologic baseline. The technical considerations and literature regarding the suction decompression technique to treat giant paraclinoid aneurysms are reviewed.2-4 The patient and family provided informed consent for the procedure and consented to the publication of her images.