Abstract Hybridization coupling among plasmon modes is an effective approach to manipulate near-field properties thus optical spectral shapes of plasmonic nanostructures. Generally, mode hybridization coupling is achieved by modifying the topography and dimensions of nanostructures themselves, with few concerns about substrate-induced manipulation. Herein, we propose a composite nanostructure consisting of a gold (Au) nanodisk array and a thin Au film supported by a dielectric substrate. In this configuration, both the refractive index of the dielectric substrate and thin gold film’s thickness mediate the interaction of plasmon modes supported by upper and lower interfaces of the composite nanostructure, resulting in two hybridized plasmon modes. We systematically investigate the relationship between optical fields at the top surface of plasmon modes before and after the hybridization coupling. Specifically, the near-field amplitude at the top surface of the unhybridized modes is stronger than that of individual hybridized mode, and lower than the near-field summation of these two hybridized modes. This work not only provides a straightforward strategy for generating two plasmon modes in a nanostructure but also elucidates the variation of the optical field during the hybridization process, which is of crucial significance for applications, such as upconversion enhancement and multi-resonance sensing.