Learning 3-D structures from incomplete point clouds with extreme sparsity and random distributions is a challenge since it is difficult to infer topological connectivity and structural details from fragmentary representations. Missing large portions of informative structures further aggravates this problem. To overcome this, a novel graph convolutional network (GCN) called dynamic and structure-aware NETwork (DSANet) is presented in this article. This framework is formulated based on a pyramidic auto-encoder (AE) architecture to address accurate structure reconstruction on the sparse and incomplete point clouds. A PointNet-like neural network is applied as the encoder to efficiently aggregate the global representations of coarse point clouds. On the decoder side, we design a dynamic graph learning module with a structure-aware attention (SAA) to take advantage of the topology relationships maintained in the dynamic latent graph. Relying on gradually unfolding the extracted representation into a sequence of graphs, DSANet is able to reconstruct complicated point clouds with rich and descriptive details. To associate analogous structure awareness with semantic estimation, we further propose a mechanism, called structure similarity assessment (SSA). This method allows our model to surmise semantic homogeneity in an unsupervised manner. Finally, we optimize the proposed model by minimizing a new distortion-aware objective end-to-end. Extensive qualitative and quantitative experiments demonstrate the impressive performance of our model in reconstructing unbroken 3-D shapes from deficient point clouds and preserving semantic relationships among different regional structures.