To evaluate the association between serum anti-tissue transglutaminase antibody (anti-tTG) titers and the severity of histological damage to the duodenal mucosa and to predict a possible anti-tTG cutoff value for diagnosing celiac disease (CD) and villous atrophy in the domestic population. Clinical and pathological data from 76 adult CD patients with positive anti-tTG titers and duodenal biopsy results who were treated at the People's Hospital of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region from July 2017 to January 2022 were retrospectively analyzed. The correlation between anti-tTG titers and the severity of duodenal mucosal damage was statistically assessed to predict the optimal anti-tTG titer cut-off value for diagnosing CD and villous atrophy. Of the 76 patients, 10 had underlying CD, and of the 66 patients with duodenal histopathology, four were Marsh Ⅰ, six were Marsh Ⅱ, and 56 were Marsh Ⅲa-c grade. In adults with CD, anti-tTG titers were shown to be associated with the severity of histological damage to the duodenal mucosa. When the anti-tTG level was ≥5 times the upper limit of normal (ULN), the sensitivity and specificity for diagnosing CD were 83.9% and 92.9%, respectively. When the anti-tTG titer was ≥8 times the ULN, the sensitivity and specificity for diagnosing villous atrophy were 67.9% and 90.0%, respectively. Anti-tTG levels had a strong predictive value for diagnosing CD in adults when titers exceeded 10 times the ULN. Thus, the anti-tTG cut-off value can be combined with clinical judgment to diagnose CD, limiting the use of invasive endoscopy.评估血清抗组织转谷氨酰胺酶抗体(抗tTG抗体)滴度与十二指肠黏膜损伤严重程度的相关性,预测国内人群抗 tTG 抗体滴度诊断乳糜泻及绒毛萎缩的最佳临界值。回顾性分析2017年7月至2022年1月就诊于新疆维吾尔自治区人民医院的76例抗tTG抗体阳性同时行十二指肠活检的成年乳糜泻患者临床及病理资料,统计分析血清抗tTG抗体滴度与十二指肠黏膜损伤严重程度的相关性,预测抗 tTG 抗体滴度诊断乳糜泻及绒毛萎缩的最佳临界值。在76 例患者中,10例被认为是潜在乳糜泻,66例有十二指肠组织病理学改变的患者中,4例为Marsh Ⅰ级,6例为Marsh Ⅱ级,56例为Marsh Ⅲa-c级。统计分析显示,成人乳糜泻的抗tTG抗体滴度与十二指肠黏膜组织病理学损伤的严重程度有关。抗tTG抗体滴度≥5倍正常值上限(ULN)时,诊断乳糜泻的敏感度为83.9%、特异度为92.9%;抗tTG抗体滴度≥8倍ULN时,诊断绒毛萎缩的敏感度为67.9%、特异度为90.0%。超过10倍ULN的抗tTG抗体滴度对诊断成年人乳糜泻具有很强的预测价值。该临界值可与临床判断相结合来诊断乳糜泻,这可能有助于避免侵入性内窥镜检查。.