PDF HTML阅读 XML下载 导出引用 引用提醒 驯养林麝泌香生理反应时间与年龄、地域分布的关系 DOI: 10.5846/stxb202008312264 作者: 作者单位: 作者简介: 通讯作者: 中图分类号: 基金项目: 陕西省科技厅农业一般项目(2020NY-018) Relationship between physiological response time and age, geographical distribution of captive forest musk deer(moschus berezovskii) Author: Affiliation: Fund Project: 摘要 | 图/表 | 访问统计 | 参考文献 | 相似文献 | 引证文献 | 资源附件 | 文章评论 摘要:以3处不同地域驯养林麝种群为研究对象,采用分层随机抽样法对四川某麝场61只林麝(离散型年龄分布群)、陕西安康某麝场23只和凤县某麝场5只成体麝(>2岁)泌香期不同生理阶段持续时间、主要气候因子及产香状况等进行观测、记录、统计分析。研究显示陕西、四川驯养种群泌香生理反应均存在2个泌香高峰期,安康驯养种群泌香高峰期集中于5月初和5月底,以5月底频发,四川则出现在6月初和6月下旬,以6月初频发,且5岁前随着年龄的增长,泌香反应集中且明显,此后随年龄增长而趋于平缓,四川驯养种群泌香启动时间较陕西晚1个月左右,两者泌香高频发期接近且两地麝群泌香生理反应主要在40d内完成;四川麝群不同年龄林麝泌香生理反应初期、盛期、后期及总持续时间无显著性差异(P>0.05),合并育成组和成年组仅麝群在泌香后期组间有显著差异;安康、四川两地麝群仅泌香后期持续时间差异显著(P<0.05);麝群中存在11.48%的个体在泌香季节出现2次泌香生理反应现象,但其麝香产量相对较低、且集中于8-9岁以上雄麝,麝群空香率9.8%左右,主要集中于9岁以上雄麝个体;麝群低产麝(产香量≤10g)占18.93%,中产麝(10g<产香量≤20g)占45.94%,高产麝(20g<产香量)占35.13%,产香量表现出较大变化幅度。上述结果显示不同地域温度、光照时间等对驯养麝群泌香期各生理阶段持续时间无显著影响,但对麝群泌香期启动时间影响显著;此外观测到林麝麝香产量似有与泌香生理反应强度有关。 Abstract:Based on the data of three captive populations of musk deer in different regions, 61 musk deers in Sichuan Province, 23 adult musk deers in Ankang and 5 adult musk deers (>2-years-old) in Fengxian of Shaanxi were randomly sampled, in order to explore the distribution pattern of starting time, age, climate factors and musk yield in different regions. The results showed that there were two peak periods in the physiological response of musk secretion both in domesticated population of Shaanxi and Sichuan. The peak period in Ankang was concentrated in the beginning and the end of May, which occurred frequently at the end of May, in Sichuan it appeared in the beginning and the end of June, which occurred frequently at the beginning of June. With the increasing of age before 5, the physiological response of musk secretion was intensive and obvious, and then tended to be flat with the increasing of age. The beginning of physiological response of musk secretion in Sichuan was about 1 month later than that in Shaanxi, while the peak frequency was close, and the physiological responses of musk in two populations were mainly completed within 40 days. There was significant difference only among the groups in the later period of musk secretion(P>0.05). Nearly 11.48% of the individuals had two physiological reactions in the season of musk secretion but the yield of musk was low, which was mainly over 8-9 years old. 9.8% male musk deer did not secrete musk and was mainly over 9 years old. The yield of musk had no relationship with the stage of musk physiological reaction. The low yield group (≤ 10g) accounted for 18.93%, the middle yield group (≤ 20g) accounted for 45.94%, and the high yield group(>20g) accounted for 35.13%, which showed that the yield varied greatly. Temperature and illumination time had no significant effect on the duration of each physiological stage of musk group, but had significant influence on the starting time of musk secretion, the musk yield was not related to the stage of physiological reaction and the observed age group, but seemed to be related to the intensity of physiological reaction. 参考文献 相似文献 引证文献