In this letter, following an extensive experimental validation, we perform constant-volume shearing simulations of non-Brownian granular suspensions using the discrete element method coupled with the lattice Boltzmann method. We choose a wide range of solid fractions, shear rates, fluid viscosities, particle sizes, and inter-particle frictional coefficients to obtain a scaling solution for the viscous behavior of suspensions in both dilute and dense regimes. This letter demonstrates that, with a proposed dilute-dense transitional solid fraction, $\phi_d$, there exists a strong correlation between the inverse relative viscosity and the shear stress. This work incorporates both the $\phi$-dependence and the $\dot{\gamma}$-dependence of suspension viscosity in a universal framework, which provides a scaling solution for granular suspensions across dilute and dense regimes and sheds light on the dilute-dense transition mechanisms.