期刊:Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing [Emerald (MCB UP)] 日期:2025-01-20
Purpose This study focuses on the context of interactions in online medical-consultation services. It integrates theories of value co-creation and social support, and it introduces customer-perceived doctor’s contribution behaviors (DCBs) as mediators to investigate the impact of customer value co-creation behavior (CVCB) on customer service well-being (CSW). This study also explores the moderating roles of communication and task characteristics of interactive medical interfaces. Design/methodology/approach A survey of 353 patients with online consultation experience were conducted. Structural equation modeling and PROCESS macro technology were used to test the hypotheses. Findings CVCB positively affects CSW through the mediating role of DCBs, including cure-based knowledge contribution behavior (KCB) and care-based emotional supportive behavior (ESB). The difference in task-oriented communication styles between customers and doctors weakens the positive effect of CVCB on perceived doctor’s cure-based KCB and care-based ESB. However, task complexity diminishes the positive effect of CVCB on perceived doctor’s cure-based KCB. Practical implications Managers of online medical-consultation platforms can optimize service design and enhance positive doctor–patient interactions to improve CSW and promote sustainable platform growth. This can effectively address social equity issues associated with the uneven distribution of medical resources and enhance societal well-being. Originality/value There is insufficient attention to the perceived well-being caused by the service context and customer–employee interactions, especially in online environments. This study contributes to value co-creation theory and customer well-being research by exploring factors influencing CSW in online medical care.