Bone regeneration after maxillary sinus floor augmentation with different ratios of autogenous bone and deproteinized bovine bone mineral an in vivo experimental study
Test the hypothesis of no difference in bone regeneration after maxillary sinus floor augmentation (MSFA) with different ratios of iliac or mandibular autogenous bone (AB) graft and deproteinized bovine bone mineral (DBBM).Forty minipigs were randomly allocated to bilateral MSFA using: (A) 100% AB, (B) 75% AB and 25% DBBM, (C) 50% AB and 50% DBBM, (D) 25% AB and 75% DBBM, or (E) 100% DBBM. The animals were euthanized 12 weeks after surgery. Percentage of bone, non-mineralized tissue, and residual DBBM were estimated by histomorphometric analysis in a randomly selected region of interest and summarized as mean percentage with 95% confidence interval (CI).Mean percentage of bone following MSFA with iliac or mandibular AB graft was: (A) 55.5% and 64.2%, (B) 60.3% and 61.6%, (C) 54.4% and 52.1%, (D) 51.8% and 53.1%, and (E) 47.6%, respectively. There was a significant trend toward a higher percentage of bone, with a higher ratio of AB within the graft (p < .01), regardless of the origin of AB graft (iliac or mandible).The hypothesis was rejected since percentage of bone was significantly increased with larger proportions of AB within the graft. Consequently, AB or a mixture of AB and diminutive quantities of DBBM seem to be the preferred graft for MSFA based solely on histomorphometric assessment. However, it should be emphasized that newly formed bone and residual AB graft particles could not be distinguished by the applied histologic procedure.