Digital platform ecosystem governance of private companies: Building blocks and a research agenda based on a multidisciplinary, systematic literature review
Digital platform ecosystem governance refers to a platform owner's decisions and mechanisms that seek to influence complementors and users to build and sustain an ecosystem. The relevance of digital platform ecosystem governance is broadly acknowledged by researchers. However, the extant body of research is fragmented, and varied terminologies are employed, leading to challenges in identifying and recognizing results across different fields. This article provides a multidisciplinary and systematic literature review with the aim of consolidating knowledge on this important topic. Based on an analysis of 103 journal articles and conference papers, this review synthesizes the literature into a conceptual model with five building blocks of platform ecosystem governance. The model aims to create a robust foundation for researchers approaching the topic for the first time and conducting subsequent research. The conceptual model also offers practical guidance for governing ecosystems in a structured manner. Finally, this article provides a research agenda with five areas for future investigation.