The mode decomposition based on matrix operation (MDMO) is one of the fastest mode decomposition (MD) techniques, which is important to the few-mode fiber laser characterization and its applications. In this paper, the general error of the MDMO technique was analyzed, where different influencing factors, such as position deviation of the optical imaging system, coordinate deviation of the image acquisition system, aberrations, and mode distortion were considered. It is found that the MDMO technique based on far-field intensity distribution is less affected by optical imaging system position deviation, coordinate deviation of the image acquisition system, and mode distortion than those based on direct near-field decomposition. But far-field decomposition is more affected by aberration than those based on near-field decomposition. In particular, the numerical results show that the deviation of the coordinate axis direction is an important factor limiting the accuracy of MD. In addition, replacing the ideal eigenmode basis with a distorted eigenmode basis can effectively suppress the decrease in mode decomposition accuracy caused by fiber bending. Moreover, based on detailed numerical analysis results, fitting formulas for estimating the accuracy of the MDMO technique with imperfections are also provided, which provides a comprehensive method for evaluating the accuracy of the MDMO technique in practical engineering operations.