This article investigates the optimal excess-loss reinsurance, investment, and the rationality of using a diffusion model to approximate a jump model. We assume that the instantaneous rate of return of the risky asset is modelled by an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck (O-U) process, and the insurance claims are modeled by a compound Poisson (CP) process and a diffusion approximation (DA) model. By using the stochastic dynamic programming method, the closed-form expressions for the optimal reinsurance and investment strategies and the corresponding value functions are derived. We find that the insurer with the CP claim model always has higher reinsurance demand than the insurer with the DA claim model. Moreover, the error of using the DA model to approximate the CP model is very much dependent on the reinsurance price. Numerical analysis shows that the insurer adjusts the investment strategy as the state of the financial market changes.