Experimental and theoretical investigation of mechanical disturbances in epoxy-impregnated superconducting coils. 2. Shear-stress-induced epoxy fracture as the principal source of premature quenches and training theoretical analysis
An epoxy-impregnated superconducting winding may be considered structurally as a unidirectional composite consisting of superconducting wires embedded in a matrix of epoxy resin. The epoxy, because of its low strength and brittleness at low temperatures, is susceptible to brittle fracture which occurs under stresses induced initially during the cooldown (by differential thermal contractions of epoxy and metal) and subsequently during the magnet charge-up (by the Lorentz forces). Various modes of matrix failure are discussed and analysed. For the composite winding represented by four principal characteristics - geometry; constituent material properties; winding boundary conditions; and microcracks which become stress concentration sites for the initiation of further cracking. It is demonstrated that the transverse shear stresses induced by Lorentz forces in windings with cylindrical symmetry are principally responsible for premature magnet quenches. It is further demonstrated that to minimize shear stresses and thus prevent epoxy fracture in the winding, the whole winding body must not be restrained by the coil form and must be free to take its natural shape as the magnet is energized. This unrestrained winding support design is called the floating coil concept. The conclusions of the analysis agree both qualitatively and quantitatively with experimental results reported in the next two parts of this work.