Due to their induction characteristics stationary-phase promoters have a great potential in biotechnological processes for the production of heterologous proteins on a large-scale. In order to broaden the utility of stationary-phase promoters in bacterial expression systems and to create novel promoters induced by metabolic conditions, a library of synthetic stationary-phase/stress promoters for Escherichia coli was constructed. For designing the promoters the known -10 consensus sequence as well as the extended -10 region and an A/T-rich region downstream of the -10 region were kept constant, while sequences from -37 to -14 were partially or completely randomized. For detection and selection of stationary-phase promoters GFP with enhanced fluorescence was used. The expression pattern of the GFP reporter system was compared with that of the LacZ reporter system. To screen and characterize colonies containing stationary-phase/stress promoters a bioinformatic approach was developed. In total, 33 promoters were selected which cover a broad range of promoter activities and induction times indicating that the strength of promoters can be modulated by partially randomizing the sequence upstream of the -10 region. The induction ratio of synthetic promoters at the transition from exponential to stationary-phase was from 4 to over 6000 and the induction time relative to the entrance into stationary-phase from -1.4 to 2.7 h. Ninety-one percentage of the promoters had no or only low background activity during exponential growth. The broad variability of the promoters offers good possibilities for fine-tuning of gene expression and for applications in industrial bioprocesses.