The composition and structure of the calcium‐silicate‐hydrate (C–S–H) phases formed by hydration of white portland cement–metakaolin ( MK ) blends have been investigated using 27 Al and 29 Si MAS NMR . This includes blends with 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 wt% MK , following their hydration from 1 d to 1 yr. 29 Si MAS NMR reveals that the average Al / Si ratio for the C–S–H phases, formed by hydration of the portland cement– MK blends, increases almost linearly with the MK content but is invariant with the hydration time for a given MK content. Correspondingly, the average aluminosilicate chain lengths of the C–S–H increase with increasing MK content, reflecting the formation of a C–S–H with a lower Ca / Si ratio. The increase in Al / Si ratio with increasing MK content is supported by 27 Al MAS NMR which also allows detection of strätlingite and fivefold coordinated aluminum, assigned to AlO 5 sites in the interlayer of the C–S–H structure. Strätlingite is observed after prolonged hydration for MK substitution levels above 10 wt% MK . This is at a somewhat lower replacement level than expected from thermodynamic considerations which predict the formation of strätlingite for MK contents above 15 wt% after prolonged hydration for the actual portland cement– MK blends. The increase in fivefold coordinated Al with increasing MK content suggests that these sites may contribute to the charge balance of the charge deficit associated with the incorporation of Al 3+ ions in the silicate chains of the C–S–H structure.