Enhancing learning scenarios with social robots, as well as gamification elements, has been shown to positively influence motivation, engagement, or even both. However, they have not been combined in a learning environment. For this contribution, we created a learning environment for students in higher education and implemented additions (social robot and gamification) based on guidelines for gamification in learning scenarios, and research on pedagogical agents. Using a 2x2 design for systematic investigation of gamification elements and social robots, we tested the impact of our learning environment on motivation and engagement across four conditions: with a social robot, gamification elements, both or neither. We found no significant increase in engagement or motivation when adding gamification elements or the social robot. Quite contrary to our expectations, we found an interaction effect when combining both additions, showing lower engagement. Based on our results and former research, we discuss possible reasons for this finding and potential improvements for future research. • Prototyping of a learning environment. • Addition of social robot and gamification elements in a plug-and-play functionality. • 2x2 design for addition/absence of a social robot and gamification elements. • Investigation of effects on engagement and motivation in an interactive study.