Mn3+-rich oxide/persistent luminescence nanoparticles achieve light-free generation of singlet oxygen and hydroxyl radicals for responsive imaging and tumor treatment
X-ray excited persistent luminescence (XEPL) imaging has attracted increasing attention in biomedical imaging due to elimination of autofluorescence, high signal-to-noise ratio and repeatable activation with high penetration. However, optical imaging still suffers from limited for high spatial resolution. Methods: Herein, we report Mn3+-rich manganese oxide (MnOx)-coated chromium-doped zinc gallogermanate (ZGGO) nanoparticles (Mn-ZGGOs). Enhanced XEPL and magnetic resonance (MR) imaging were investigated by the decomposition of MnOx shell in the environment of tumors. We also evaluated the tumor cell-killing mechanism by detection of reactive oxygen (ROS), lipid peroxidation and mitochondrial membrane potential changes in vitro. Furthermore, the in vivo biodistribution, imaging and therapy were studied by U87MG tumor-bearing mice. Results: In the tumor region, the MnOx shell is quickly decomposed to produce Mn3+ and oxygen (O2) to directly generate singlet oxygen (1O2). The resulting Mn2+ transforms endogenous H2O2 into highly toxic hydroxyl radical (·OH) via a Fenton-like reaction. The Mn2+ ions and ZGGOs also exhibit excellent T1-weighted magnetic resonance (MR) imaging and ultrasensitive XEPL imaging in tumors. Conclusion: Both the responsive dual-mode imaging and simultaneous self-supplied O2 for the production of 1O2 and oxygen-independent ·OH in tumors allow for more accurate diagnosis of deep tumors and more efficient inhibition of tumor growth without external activation energy.