This article reviews the application of highly heat and pressure resistant polyimide material for the development of membranes/materials that exhibit unique super-wettability, the characteristics pivotal for the efficient separation of oil-water mixture and emulsion. The polymerization of imide monomer in polyimide brings about the required porosity in the material, which in turn renders the crucial surface roughness, which is instrumental for establishing the desired super-wettability on the polyimide based membrane materials, in addition to the mechanical and thermal robustness. The membrane as the oil-water filtering medium can be either oil passing or water passing depends on the individual wettability of the membrane surface for oil and water, which in turn depend on the respective solid-liquid interfacial energy and the hierarchical surface roughness. Superhydrophobic/superoleophobic wetting characteristic of the surface repels water and allows oil to pass through the membrane medium, and the major disadvantage of this kind of oil/water separation is the rapid oil fouling of the membrane pores and the consequent less efficiency for oil water separation. On the other hand, the membrane surface engineered to have the Superhydrophilic/underwater superoleophobic wetting characteristics can be water passing, and the easy fouling of the membrane surface can be minimized. In the case of polyimide materials, there are lot of scopes to engineer the physical properties like surface energy and surface roughness of the membrane surface in order to obtain the required wettability. There have been many works focused on the application of different variants of polyimide materials for developing membrane for oil water separation. In this review, we present an itemized review of various works on polyimide materials based oil/water separation in terms of chemical, physical, structural and surface characteristics of the material.