A series of 3D-C/SiC composites with different pyrolytic carbon (PyC) interracial layers (about 20~300 nm thick)were prepared by chemical vapor infiltration. Simulation experiments at different temperatures were performed byexposing C/SiC specimens in single and coupling gases partial pressure atmospheres, namely, O2, H2O vapor andmolten salt (Na+) vapor. It suggested that at intermediate temperature range (about 600~800℃) a dramatic effectof PyC thickness on the weight and strength change of C/SiC was shown, which was mainly influenced by O2 partialpressure; at high temperature range (about 1200~1300℃) the effect was not obvious relatively, which might beinfluenced by H2O vapor partial pressure; and finally at very high temperature range (>1500℃) the molten saltvapor was the factor of most possibility affecting the weight change of C/SiC.