► The experimental bases for current models of Cry toxin mode of action are reviewed. ► Various data still support that Cry toxins act by forming pores. ► Most events that lead to Cry pore formation remain poorly understood. Bacillus thuringiensis ( Bt ) Cry toxins constitute the active ingredient in the most widely used biological insecticides and insect-resistant transgenic crops. A clear understanding of their mode of action is necessary for improving these products and ensuring their continued use. Accordingly, a long history of intensive research has established that their toxic effect is due primarily to their ability to form pores in the plasma membrane of the midgut epithelial cells of susceptible insects. In recent years, a rather elaborate model involving the sequential binding of the toxins to different membrane receptors has been developed to describe the events leading to membrane insertion and pore formation. However, it was also proposed recently that, in contradiction with this mechanism, Bt toxins function by activating certain intracellular signaling pathways which lead to the necrotic death of their target cells without the need for pore formation. Because work in this field has largely focused, for several years, on the elaboration and promotion of these two models, the present revue examines in detail the experimental evidence on which they are based. It is concluded that the presently available information still supports the notion that Bt Cry toxins act by forming pores, but most events leading to their formation, following binding of the activated toxins to their receptors, remain relatively poorly understood.