Introduction : A relationship between allergic rhinitis (AR) and Exercise-induced bronchoconstriction (EIB) has not been fully studied.
Aims: The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between EIB and AR among children aged 6-17 in Japan.
Methods: EIB and AR were ascertained by International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC) questionnaire among randomly selected schools across the nation. Number of the subjects were 43,813 of 6-7 year old attending the elementary schools, 48,641 of 13-14 year-old attending the junior high schools and 54,138 of 16-17 year old attending the high schools. We examined relationship between having AR and risk of EIB, and severe EIB in current asthmatics in a case-control design using logistic regression model. We also investigated an association of degree of life disturbed by AR with risk for EIB, and severe EIB. And the risk for having EIB due to sex, school grade and severity of asthma was examined among current asthmatics with mutual adjustment for these covariates using multiple logistic regression analysis.
Results: Response rates were 83.4%. Odds ratio (OR) of having EIB due to current AR was 1.47 (95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.34 – 1.60, p<0.01), and OR of severe EIB was 1.13 (0.99 – 1.30, p = 0.076), respectively. Risk of EIB and that of severe EIB were elevated with increasing severity of life disturbed by AR, respectively (p for trend<0.01 and <0.01).
Conclusions: Risk of EIB was increased among children with AR as compared to those without AR. Degree of life disturbed by AR was related to increasing risk of EIA, and severe EIA.