为降低模型建立的难度,本文基于ADAMS建立了六自由度Stewart并联机构模型,并在模糊PID控制理论的基础上建立了模糊PID控制器的Simulink控制方框图,运用联合仿真技术对Stewart并联机器人位置的模糊PID控制性能进行仿真。通过研究得出,从最低升到最高处的阶跃响应的峰值响应时间约为0.25 s,稳态误差小于0.01 m,其控制器比例系数在衰减后上升,最后稳定在2.68附近,积分参数起时为0,在0.05 s时迅速上升,最后稳定在0.08附近。 In order to obtain the simulation model, the model of Stewart parallel mechanism is established with the help of ADAMS; the Stewart parallel robot system with fuzzy self-tuning PID controller is given based on Simulink. Stepping from Z = 0 to Z = 1 m, peak time of Stewart parallel robot is 0.25 s, and steady state error is less than 0.01 m. The proportional coefficient is rising to 2.68 after declining. At first, integral coefficient is zero, and it rises to 0.08 quickly at 0.05 s.