ABSTRACT Background: A current trend to address the increasing numbers of new graduate nurse practitioners (NPs) and the expanding scope of practice of NPs is the emergence of employer-based postgraduate NP residency/fellowship programs. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to conduct a comprehensive examination of postgraduate NP residency/fellowship programs in the United States, to gain an understanding of the facilitators, barriers, benefits, and funding of these programs, from the perspective of the program directors. Methods: This exploratory study used a quantitative design to conduct an online survey, developed by the researchers, of program directors of postgraduate NP residency/fellowship programs. Descriptive statistics were generated for continuous variables: the mean, SD, and minimum, and maximum values, and for categorical variables, frequency and percentage were reported. Results: More than 90% of program directors indicated that NP recruitment and retention were benefits to organizations implementing NP residency/fellowship programs. Decision makers in organizations support postgraduate NP residency/fellowship programs and few barriers exist to implement programs. More than 84% indicated that physician and administrative support were facilitators to program implementation. Less than 50% of program directors identified barriers to implementation. Less than half of programs received funding sources for program implementation. Implications for practice: This study provides data and insight into the emerging industry of postgraduate NP residency/training programs and informs regulators, educators, and employers about how to maximize the facilitators, reduce and decrease barriers, identify sources of funding, and appreciate the benefits of implementing programs.