To explore the reliability and validity of the preliminary revision of the Philadelphia Mindfulness Scale (PHLMS) in Chinese undergraduates.
Considering the differences in the cultural and linguistic, the PHLMS was translated and used to conduct a questionnaire survey among 1 221 undergraduates. All participants were also surveyed with five facets mindfulness questionnaire (FFMQ), the white bear suppression inventory (WBSI) and acceptance and action questionnaire-2rd edition (AAQ-II) as conduct reliability and validity test.
The exploratory factor analysis showed that PHLMS could extract two factors, and the cumulative variance contribution rate was 40.355%. The confirmatory factor analysis indicated good fit(χ2/df=2.781, CFI=0.945, NFI=0.884, IFI=0.922, TLI=0.906, CFI=0.922, RMSEA=0.053) . The internal consistency reliability of the awareness subscales was 0.785, and the internal consistency reliability of the acceptance subscales was 0.772. The correlation coefficients among the PHLMS and FFMQ was significant(r=0.398, P<0.01). The acceptance subscales were significantly negatively correlated with WBSI and AAQ-II(r=-0.458, -0.288, P<0.01).
The validity and reliability of the Chinese version of PHLMS meet the measurement criterion.
Key words:
Chinese version of philadelphia mindfulness scale; Mindfulness; Acceptance; Awareness; Reliability; Validity