Background Most studies on MET exon 14 (MET-ex14) alteration, defined as an oncogenic driver, have been carried out among Caucasians; similar studies among Chinese people are limited. Methods We retrospectively analyzed the genomic profiles of 11,306 Chinese patients with various stages of lung cancer to investigate the prevalence of MET-ex14. Survival outcomes were analyzed in evaluable patients who received front-line crizotinib (n = 44) or chemotherapy (n = 14). Results MET-ex14 alterations were identified in 125 patients, a frequency of 1.1 %, which is much lower than that in Caucasians (∼2.7 %). We found that MET-ex14 alterations were more likely to be detected in older patients (median age 69.0 years, p <0.001). Among evaluable patients harboring MET-ex14 alterations, longer progression-free survival (PFS) was observed with crizotinib than with chemotherapy (8.5 months versus 4.0 months, p = 0.041), but there was no difference in overall survival (OS, 11.3 months versus 12.0 months, p = 0.66). No significant difference in PFS or OS was found among MET splice-site variants or when there were concurrent TP53 alterations. Concurrent MET amplification results in a shorter PFS (4.2 months versus 8.5 months, p = 0.029) but a comparable OS (7.8 months versus 14.0 months, p = 0.12). Patients with undetectable baseline plasma MET-ex14 had a trend of longer PFS (p = 0.097) but comparable OS (p = 0.18). A novel MET Y1003C mutation was detected and demonstrated a clinical response to crizotinib. Conclusions Our study demonstrated a prevalence of 1.1 % for MET-ex14 alterations among the Chinese population. Our study also contributes to a better understanding of molecular factors that are associated with clinical outcomes of patients with MET exon 14 alterations.