This study aimed to investigate the application potential of Portulaca oleracea extract (POE) in active packaging for the preservation of chilled meat. First, the antioxidant capacity and active ingredients of POE were systematically studied. The results demonstrated that POE has excellent antioxidant capacity and contains abundant antioxidant compounds. Subsequently, antioxidant-active packaging films based on chitosan and starch containing different concentrations of POE (CS/POE films) were successfully developed. The main physicochemical and mechanical properties of the CS/POE films were characterized and evaluated. The CS/POE films exhibited remarkable antioxidant activity and can significantly reduce lipid oxidation in meat. Compared with polyethylene film, the CS/POE films-treated meats had better preservation effects and longer shelf-life. These findings suggested that CS/POE film has the potential to become a good alternative to conventional plastics in food packaging. In conclusion, Portulaca oleracea extract is an excellent natural antioxidant with great potential in active packaging for chilled meat preservation.