The world production of farmed Whiteleg shrimp was 5,812,180 t in 2020. Ecuador, Mexico, and Brazil produced 1,012,830 in that year according to data FishStatJ. Environmental impact studies were scarce given the rapid growth of this activity, mainly on cummulative impacts, loss of ecosystems services or resilience of wetlands and mangroves. Aspects of the management of environmental impacts published on American studies during 1986-2020 are analyzed. The main impacts included the loss of mangroves and their transformation of these ecosystems and their water bodies by receiving enriched effluents from shrimp farms. Different management measures are discussed between Ecuador, which contributes 63.76 % of American production of white leg shrimp; Brazil which published 46.2 % of the environmental studies of the analyzed period, and Mexico, in an intermediate situation. Finally, alternatives are discussed to improve the management of shrimp aquaculture with emphasis on the Ecuadorian context.