Shorena Janelidze,Divya Bali,Nicholas J. Ashton,Nicolas R. Barthélemy,Jeroen Vanbrabant,Erik Stoops,Eugeen Vanmechelen,Yingxin He,Anna Orduña Dolado,Gallen Triana‐Baltzer,Michael J. Pontecorvo,Henrik Zetterberg,Hartmuth C. Kolb,Manu Vandijck,Kaj Blennow,Randall J. Bateman,Oskar Hansson
[Oxford University Press]
卷期号:146 (4): 1592-1601
Plasma phospho-tau (p-tau) species have emerged as the most promising blood-based biomarkers of Alzheimer's disease. Here, we performed a head-to-head comparison of p-tau181, p-tau217 and p-tau231 measured using 10 assays to detect abnormal brain amyloid-β (Aβ) status and predict future progression to Alzheimer's dementia. The study included 135 patients with baseline diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment (mean age 72.4 years; 60.7% women) who were followed for an average of 4.9 years. Seventy-one participants had abnormal Aβ-status (i.e. abnormal CSF Aβ42/40) at baseline; and 45 of these Aβ-positive participants progressed to Alzheimer's dementia during follow-up. P-tau concentrations were determined in baseline plasma and CSF. P-tau217 and p-tau181 were both measured using immunoassays developed by Lilly Research Laboratories (Lilly) and mass spectrometry assays developed at Washington University (WashU). P-tau217 was also analysed using Simoa immunoassay developed by Janssen Research and Development (Janss). P-tau181 was measured using Simoa immunoassay from ADxNeurosciences (ADx), Lumipulse immunoassay from Fujirebio (Fuji) and Splex immunoassay from Mesoscale Discovery (Splex). Both p-tau181 and p-tau231 were quantified using Simoa immunoassay developed at the University of Gothenburg (UGOT). We found that the mass spectrometry-based p-tau217 (p-tau217WashU) exhibited significantly better performance than all other plasma p-tau biomarkers when detecting abnormal Aβ status [area under curve (AUC) = 0.947; Pdiff < 0.015] or progression to Alzheimer's dementia (AUC = 0.932; Pdiff < 0.027). Among immunoassays, p-tau217Lilly had the highest AUCs (0.886-0.889), which was not significantly different from the AUCs of p-tau217Janss, p-tau181ADx and p-tau181WashU (AUCrange 0.835-0.872; Pdiff > 0.09), but higher compared with AUC of p-tau231UGOT, p-tau181Lilly, p-tau181UGOT, p-tau181Fuji and p-tau181Splex (AUCrange 0.642-0.813; Pdiff ≤ 0.029). Correlations between plasma and CSF values were strongest for p-tau217WashU (R = 0.891) followed by p-tau217Lilly (R = 0.755; Pdiff = 0.003 versus p-tau217WashU) and weak to moderate for the rest of the p-tau biomarkers (Rrange 0.320-0.669). In conclusion, our findings suggest that among all tested plasma p-tau assays, mass spectrometry-based measures of p-tau217 perform best when identifying mild cognitive impairment patients with abnormal brain Aβ or those who will subsequently progress to Alzheimer's dementia. Several other assays (p-tau217Lilly, p-tau217Janss, p-tau181ADx and p-tau181WashU) showed relatively high and consistent accuracy across both outcomes. The results further indicate that the highest performing assays have performance metrics that rival the gold standards of Aβ-PET and CSF. If further validated, our findings will have significant impacts in diagnosis, screening and treatment for Alzheimer's dementia in the future.
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