An orthogonal mixture woven composites with aramid yarns and carbon yarns are investigated in this work. A dual-scale computational homogenization algorithm is also proposed to address the cross-scale numerical problems. Models and methods for mesoscale and macroscale are illustrated separately. Two types of meso-structures are selected for comparison, which are termed as representative unit cell (RUC) and equivalent cross-ply laminate (ECPL), and the corresponding macro-structures are referred to as RUCs and equivalent cross-ply laminate plain-woven composites (ECPL-PWC). The key finds clarified that the ECPL-PWC takes more computational expenses compared with the RUCs, but the RUCs is in acceptable agreement with testing results, as well as the evaluation results of the ECPL-PWC would obtain very satisfactory accuracy through minor numerical adjustments. The final finite element damage results reveals that the RUCs is more accurate for local damage assessment, while the ECPL-PWC is better for global damage analysis.