Pile-supported wharves in liquefiable soils are prone to severe damage during earthquakes. This study employs seismic isolation techniques to adapt for wharf construction, evaluating their seismic performance under lateral ground deformation due to liquefaction. Experimental and numerical analyses are necessary for confirming the efficiency of the isolation in decreasing the requirements for pile-supported wharves. The study initially tests two pile-supported wharves under geotechnical centrifuge conditions, one reinforced by isolation bearings and the other without. The objective is to simulate the force characteristics of isolated pile-supported wharves in liquefiable soils and to analyze the impact of isolation on reducing the seismic response of these wharves. Subsequent analysis delves into the interaction between inertia and kinematics for two types of pile-supported wharves, providing crucial insights. The development of plastic hinges for two kinds of pile-supported wharves under inertia and kinematics is also analyzed. Quantifiable thresholds are established to study the influence of isolation on the resistance of wharves to seismic disruptions, thus preventing pile-supported wharves damage.