Yoga S. Narwadkar,Rahul V. Parghane,Sudeep Sahu,Sangita Lad,Kamal Deep,Gaurav Wanage,Tejal Suralkar,Sharmila Banerjee,Sudeep Gupta,Sandip Basu,Rajendra Badwe
Objective The aim of this study was to assess the biodistribution and dosimetry of 177 Lu-DOTA-trastuzumab in patients with HER2-positive breast carcinoma using whole-body (WB) planar imaging at multiple time points. Patients and Methods This study was a prospective evaluation of HER2-positive metastatic/locally advanced breast carcinoma patients who underwent gamma camera imaging for dosimetry and biodistribution studies by using 177 Lu-DOTA-trastuzumab. The standard diagnostic dosimetry protocol was followed, which included cold trastuzumab injection followed by in-house produced 177 Lu-DOTA-trastuzumab. Serial WB planar images (anterior and posterior) were obtained on gamma camera after the infusion of 177 Lu-DOTA-trastuzumab at multiple time points. Whole-body and organ regions of interest were drawn, and the numbers of disintegrations were obtained. The mean absorbed doses for the liver, spleen, kidneys, heart, red marrow, and tumor were obtained from OLINDA EXM v2.1.1 and ORIGIN software. Results The study included a cohort of 21 female breast carcinoma patients. Tracer activity ( 177 Lu-DOTA-trastuzumab) was noted in the physiological organs such as the liver, spleen, kidneys, heart, as well as in the tumors. On visual analysis of 177 Lu-DOTA-trastuzumab biodistribution, the liver activity showed gradual clearance over time, and although spleen was comparatively faintly visualized than liver and similarly, kidneys were faintly visualized suggestive of the alternate route of tracer excretion. The maximum number of patients (n = 12) showed 2 components of clearance, namely, fast and slow. The average effective half-life of all the patients (including single and 2 components of clearance) was 106.25 ± 22.14 hours (84.11–128.39 hours). The mean absorbed dose for the liver, spleen, kidneys, heart, whole body, and red marrow was 1.0702 ± 0.731, 1.4114 ± 0.462, 1.4232 ± 0.364, 1.4719 ± 0.602, 0.2412 ± 0.0295, and 0.1485 ± 0.0213 mGy/MBq, respectively, by OLINDA EXM and 0.5741 ± 0.333, 0.8096 ± 0.224, 0.7943 ± 0.235, 1.8971 ± 0.713, and 0.09619 ± 0.0144 for liver, spleen, kidneys, heart and whole body respectively by ORIGIN. The absorbed radiation dose for tumor was 1.94E+2 by OLINDA EXM software and 1.78E+2 by ORIGIN software. In this study, during and after infusion of 177 Lu-DOTA-trastuzumab, no major adverse effects were noted in any patient except 1 patient who had grade 1 nausea and managed conservatively by antiemetic drug. Conclusions The results of our study demonstrated expected and favorable biodistribution and dosimetry with 177 Lu-DOTA-trastuzumab in HER2-positive breast carcinoma patients. We noticed the mean absorbed dose to the normal organs within the limits of maximum tolerable dose, and also tumor dose was higher than the normal liver dose. Therefore, we conclude that 177 Lu-DOTA-trastuzumab radioimmunotherapy is feasible and a safe treatment option for treating HER2-positive breast carcinoma patients.