Intramolecular hydrogen bonding (HB) is a complex phenomenon that extends beyond a simple valence event, affecting the core electrons of a molecule. Salicylic acid (SA) and its conformers provide an excellent model compound for studying intramolecular HB as the proton donor (H) and acceptor (O) can be toggled by rotating the C-O and C-C bonds to form up to seven potential conformers through various HB. In this study, we computationally investigated intramolecular interactions in SA conformers with and without such HB, by examining their calculated O 1s core electron-binding energy (CEBE) and 1H NMR chemical shifts validated using recent measurements. The quantum mechanically stable SA conformers are fully defined by three rotatable bonds in the compound, which are abstracted as SA(η1η2η3) digital structures, where ηi = 0 if the ηi angles match the most stable SA conformer (000) and ηi = 1 otherwise. Our findings suggest that the stability is dominated by the appearance of the intergroup intramolecular HB of Hp···O (where O is in the carboxylic acid functional group and Hp is the phenolic proton in -OHp), and η3 serves as a switch of such HB. As a result, the (η1η20) SA conformers containing such Hp···O HB are more stable than other SA conformers (η1η21) without such the Hp···O HB. The present density functional theory calculations reveal that this Hp···O HB results in splitting of the O 1s CEBEs of two hydroxyl groups (-OH) by up to 1 eV and deshielding the Hp proton 1H NMR (δHp) up to 11.68 ppm for the (η1η20) conformers. Without such Hp···O HB, the O 1s XPS binding energies of two -OH groups will be closely located in the same band, and the 1H NMR chemical shift of the Hp atom will be as small as an 4.09 ppm SA conformer [SA-G(101)]. The present study indicates that the O 1s CEBE splitting between two -OH groups serves as an indicator of the presence of the Hp···O HB in SA conformers, which is also supported by the 1H NMR results.