This study aimed to compare quadriceps corticomuscular coherence (CMC) and force steadiness between individuals with anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACLR) and uninjured controls during a force tracing task.Individuals with ACLR ( n = 20) and controls ( n = 20) performed a knee extension force-control task at 50% of maximal voluntary effort. Electrocortical activity, electromyographic activity, and torque output were recorded concurrently. CMC in beta (13-30 Hz) and gamma (31-80 Hz) frequency bands was assessed using partial directed coherence between the contralateral motor cortex (e.g., C4-C2-Cz electrodes) and the ipsilateral quadriceps muscles (e.g., left vastus medialis and lateralis). Force steadiness was quantified using root-mean-square error and coefficient of variation. Active motor threshold was determined using transcranial magnetic stimulation. Differences between groups (ACLR vs control) and limbs (involved vs uninvolved) were assessed using peak knee extension strength and active motor threshold as a priori covariates.Participants with ACLR had lower gamma band connectivity bilaterally when compared with controls (vastus medialis: d = 0.8; vastus lateralis: d = 0.7). Further, the ACLR group demonstrated worse quadriceps force steadiness (root-mean-square error, d = 0.5), lower involved limb quadriceps strength ( d = 1.1), and higher active motor threshold ( d = 1.0) compared with controls.Lower quadriceps gamma band CMC in the ACLR group suggests lower cortical drive (e.g., corticomotor decoupling) to the quadriceps compared with matched controls. Further, the ACLR group demonstrated worse quadriceps force steadiness, suggesting impaired ability to modulate quadriceps neuromuscular control. Notably, CMC differences were present only in the gamma frequency band, suggesting impairments may be specific to multisensory integration and force modulation.