HISTORY: A 17-year-old female athlete underwent a 10-week vision training using stroboscopic goggles and a sensory station during a varsity softball season consisting of once-a-week use of senaptec sensory station and at-home use of senaptec stroboscopic goggles three times a week. PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: An Optometrist evaluated the athlete to verify the stroboscopic goggles sports performance was safe for her vision. DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS: The athlete does not have a diagnosis, and the case study was designed to evaluate the effects of senaptec stroboscopic goggles and sensory station. TESTS AND RESULTS: Testing consisted of a year of on-field performance with batting average before the use of the vision training. Then the batting average after using the senaptec goggles and sensory station. The senaptec sensory station was used to test visual performance skills pre and post. • Batting average pre-study (Sophomore year): .190• Batting average post-study (Junior year): .390• Sensory Station Vision Testing Percentile Rank: o Depth Perception Pre: 2% and Post: 40% o Eye Hand Coordination Pre: 52% and Post: 66% o Go/No Go Pre: 29% and Post: 55% o Near Far Quickness Pre: 54% and Post: 95% o Reaction Time Pre: 19% and Post 57% FINAL WORKING DIAGNOSIS: The athlete verbally described the vision training enhanced her ability to see pitches sooner, giving her more confidence. TREATMENT AND OUTCOMES: Studies have been done using stroboscopic goggles, but the combination of the sensory station is a new treatment option. Once a week, treatment took place using the sensory station for 30-45 minutes. During the pre-test, visual skills training games were designed to match lower-scoring visual skills. Each week the patient was taught treatment techniques using the stroboscopic goggles to enhance hitting skills and eye-hand coordination. The patient would use the goggles at home 2-3 times weekly. Combining the sensory station and senaptec goggles affected positive change more than doubling the athlete's batting average. In addition, positive change in vision performance occurred, demonstrating an average of 36.8-point increase in percentile rank. More investigation is needed combining the sensory station and the goggles.