Abstract 2D displacement sensor (2DDS) is significant in precision manufacturing positioning, machine condition monitoring, robotic manipulation, and human–computer interaction system. However, the reported 2DDSs have severe limitations, such as low accuracy, poor decoupling, and lack of smart signal analysis. Herein, a self‐decoupled and high‐resolution 2DDS based on two freestanding triboelectric nanogenerators (F‐TENGs) is presented. This sensor achieves self‐decoupling by two orthogonal and independent 1D displacement sensors with low‐cost grating‐structured PCB. The test results of the sensor exhibit a high accuracy ≥99.06% (1D) and 98.94% (2D). Also, the experimental and simulation results demonstrate that this sensor has a high resolution of 200 µm and the function of initial position identification. A 2D displacement sensing system is developed that is capable of collecting F‐TENGs’ open‐circuit voltages in real‐time and performing 2D trajectory synthesis and display. This work expands the potential application of the TENG‐based 2DDS in robotic precision machining.