We present a computational study inspired by the story of dysiherbol A, a natural product whose putative structure was found incorrect through synthesis by a completely fortuitous event. While the carbon connectivity and chemical environment between both structures remain similar, the real dysiherbol A has a different molecular weight than that reported for the natural product. Had the synthesis groups not been favored by fortune, it could be speculated that a substantial amount of time and effort would have been required to solve the structural puzzle. Within the realm of computer-guided total synthesis of natural products, the question arose whether a synthesis group could have in silico reassigned the structure before embarking on the experimental adventure. To address this query, we evaluated some state-of-the-art computational procedures based on their computational demand and ease of implementation for nonexpert users with basic skills in computational chemistry (including HOSE, CASCADE, ANN-PRA, ML-J-DP4, DP4, and DP4+). While discussing the strengths and limitations of these methods, this case study provides a roadmap of what could be done before venturing into complex and time-demanding total synthesis projects.