Low-power wide-area networks (LPWAN) evolve rapidly with advanced communication primitives (e.g., coding, modulation) being continuously invented. This rapid iteration on LPWAN, however, forms a communication barrier between legacy wireless sensor nodes deployed years ago (e.g., ZigBee-based sensor node) with their latest competitor running a different communication protocol (e.g., LoRa-based IoT node): they work on the same frequency band but share different MAC- and PHY-layer regulations and thus cannot talk to each other directly. To break this barrier, we propose LigBee, a cross-technology communication (CTC) solution that enables symbol-level communication from the latest LPWAN LoRa node to legacy ZIGBEE node. We have implemented LigBee on both software-defined radios and commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) LoRa and ZigBee nodes, and demonstrated that LigBee builds a reliable CTC link from LoRa node to ZigBee node on both platforms. Our experimental results show that i) LigBee achieves a bit error rate (BER) in the order of 10 −3 with 70 ∼ 80% frame reception ratio (FRR), ii) the range of LigBee link is over 300m, which is 6 ∼ 7.5× the typical range of legacy ZigBee and state-of-the-art solution, and iii) the throughput of LigBee link is maintained on the order of kbps, which is close to the LoRa’s throughput.