As we know, the skin is part of our body, which acts as a protective barrier and protects us from deleterious agents. Any damage or destruction to the skin causes a rupture of the epidermis layer of skin. These wounds may lead to many problems if untreated, such as infection and inflammation, which result in slowing the natural wound healing process. In recent years, there have been numerous approaches and therapies available in the market. These approaches are painful and cause uneasiness to patients. The majority of wound treat-ment formulations contain antibiotics or synthetic moieties, which can lead to serious issues, such as drug resistance or allergy. Essential oil contains several secondary metabolites of ar-omatic medicinal plants known as essential oils, which have shown potential benefits in wound healing. They help to prevent further infection due to their antibacterial and anti-in-flammatory properties. The present article highlights the various essential oils studied in wound healing management and their patents.